The cricket tournament held on 20/1/2019 at T. N. Rao College showcased intense competition among participating teams, bringing together cricket enthusiasts for a day filled with thrilling matches and sportsmanship.Read more
On June 21st, T N Rao College embraced serenity and wellness as we celebrated Yoga Day. From tranquil poses to mindful breathing exercises, students and faculty united to honor the ancient practice, promoting physical and […]Read more
Celebrating yoga at TNRAO College reflects a commitment to holistic well-being and mindfulness among students and faculty. The event likely includes various yoga sessions, workshops, and demonstrations aimed at promoting physical fitness, mental health, and […]Read more
On August 7th, the T N Rao College campus buzzed with excitement as students showcased their strategic prowess in a thrilling chess competition. With intense matches and strategic maneuvers, participants demonstrated their skills, fostering a […]Read more
Yoga Activity was done successfully under the guidance of Mr. Jasmin Panchasara, Incharge of Life Yoga Academy and Assistant Manager at Project ‘Life’ Rajkot.Read more
On 2/3/2024, our college hosted the TRL Girls Cricket Tournament, a thrilling display of sportsmanship and talent. Female cricketers from various teams showcased their skills and passion for the game, competing with determination and camaraderie. […]Read more
On 2/5/2024 and 2/6/2024, our college hosted the highly anticipated TRL Boys Cricket Tournament at the Saurashtra University Ground. The tournament witnessed intense matches as talented cricketers from different teams showcased their skills and strategic […]Read more